
As i sit here
waiting for you to get online
i start to wonder
want you will be mine
i mean i know we met online
but i fell in love with you
you tell me you love me
i hope all this is true
i hope someday we will meet
finally be together
just you and me
as i think my eyes start to water
that Lil tear stinging my eye
i cant help it
so all i do is cry
i want you so bad
you wouldn't believe
your so perfect to me
as i wish upon this star
that you will come to me
and someday
we can be
i start to pray
a Lil prayer
for god to help my heart
from starting to tare
i want your love
i want your kiss
i want your hug
Wat's there to miss
i want you here
to hold when I'm sad
to wipe my tears
and to chase away the bad
i want to cuddle
with you tonight
please guide my way
into the light
i feel like i wanna
throw up my heart
this is just to painful
that we are so far apart
i want your love
across a thousand miles
when your around
i show a thousand smiles
how did this all happen
we just exchanged a few words
now were in love
like 2 love birds
i hate this pain
the distance we share
make it all change
show me you care
i cant eat
i cant sleep
i think of you
while i weep
its hard for this
to go on forever
but i cant get over you
and i will never
i love you to much
to just let this all go
why do all the days
go by so slow
as that Lil tear
roles down my cheek
wishing you were here
for me to keep
i just thought
id let you know
how much i care
but now i have to go...
Logoff ....